Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thursday 04/02/10

Variety day in ROP. Once again opted for some PTTP deadlifts (lot of acronyms around here :))

Warmed up with some hip flexor stretching and goblet squats before 2 sets of 5 deadlifts (57.5 and 52.5). Once again nothing outstanding to report. Was able to complete the sets with minimal fuss.

Kind of wishing I purchased a set of bumper plates or at the absolute least round olympic plates. The shape of the Avanti plates (hexagonal or octagonal) makes it hard to place the bar back on the ground in the correct position when deadlifting. You always end up landing it on a corner and it either rolls forward slightly (not the end of the world) or backwards into your shin. Bit annoying!

Rest day tomorrow which will be great and the heavy day on Saturday.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wednesday 03/02/10

Medium day on Rite of Passage. Following a warm-up of 2 rounds of 10 goblet squats, halos and pumps I launched into my clean and presses.

5 ladders x 2 rungs this morning alternated once again with pull-ups. After reading more of the Enter the Kettlebell manual I was focussing this morning on the press motion of out to the side instead of trying to "brush the ear" as well as engaging the lats to bring the bell back to the rack position. This as well as the bracing the abs, glutes, legs, etc.

Once again I am reminded at just how effective kettlebell exercises are. Compound movements utilising various tension techniques.

Followed this up with the Viking Warrior Conditioning protocol of 15:15. 8 minutes of snatches for a total of 112 (7 each 15 sec interval). Didn't have a read on the heart rate but suspect it was up around the 180 mark for the majority of the time. Add to that the "thermic" effect post workout.


The opportunity to play golf once again on a regular basis has presented itself. A club close to home has dropped their joining fee in an attempt I would imagine to get new members. This makes it a bit more affordable and given it's proximity to both home now and possibly into the future, this might be an opportunity to good to pass up on. Got the handicap down to around 17 last time around but I have had quite a spell from the game - hence my handicap has lapsed. I would imagine I will have to submit new cards.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Tuesday 02/02/10

Deadlift or variety day in ETK. Using the Power to the people protocol of a set of 5 and then a follow up set at 90% of the previous lift.

2x5 with 55 and 50 kg's respectively. This was preceded by 2 sets of 10 goblet squats and hip flexor stretch. Nothing outstanding. Felt good during the deadlifts.