Sunday, January 31, 2010

Monday 01/02/10

Well after a week of Program Minimum, I got a bit antsy and have forged ahead a smidge by starting the Rite of Passage (with a twist). Have decided to integrate the Viking Warrior Conditioning protocol with the ROP. So in lieu of snatches and swings on the Light, Medium and Heavy days I will do the VWC.

This morning was 5 ladders of 1 rung of clean & presses alternated with pull-ups. Nice and easy and good to get back into the groove of pressing again. This was followed up with the VWC test protocol. This consisted of 5 x 1 minute intervals in which you do a set no of snatches (10, 14, 18, 22 and then as many as in the last minute). Started with the right hand so I could do the as many reps as with the right. Ended up with 29 which will give me a snatch cadence of 7. (this number is to be divided by 4 and then rounded up but I have opted to round down).

So on Wednesday I will look do around 8 mins of 15 secs on 15 secs off with the left hand and then 15 secs on 15 secs off with the right. This will be repeated 8 times. Will have to have a re-read of the protocol to determine the progression.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Friday 29/01/10

Well week 1 of the Program Minimum is tucked away. This morning was get-up day and started with the same 10 minute w/up of face the walls, halo's and pumps. It was then on to the kalos stenhos get-ups where I managed 4 each of left and right hand in 5 minutes. I'm pretty sure it was 4, maybe 5 as I lost count due to focussing on each of the positions.

As a result, my shoulders feel nicely buzzed if that makes any sense. It's a great feeling knowing that the weeks training is behind me now as I head into the weekend.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thursday 28/01/10

Swing day today in the Program Minimum and once again was able to eek out 160 swings in 8 rounds of 20. Was really focussing on tightening the glutes; hip snap and bracing the abs. There are so many things to be mindful of in such a simple movement. I was thinking that if you were to devote as much time as needed for mastery on the swing, you would be spending quite some time in doing so.

It is as Dan John and others have said - the Program Minimum is sheer brilliance in it's simplicity. The 80/20 rule really applies here. You get your fat loss, joint mobility and hypertrophy all in one. The phasic and tonic muscles are stimulated in a manner that is relatively risk free when it comes to injury. Still it pays to be mindful of finishing off a set and parking the kettlebell in a safe manner.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tuesday 26/01/10

Happy Australia Day!!!

This morning was get-up day in the Program Minimum. Following a warm-up of goblet squats, halo's and pumps I did 5 mins. of Kalos Stenhos get-ups. Was able to get 5 in each arm completed in little of over 5 mins. The timer expired during the fifth rep on the right hand so I decided to finish off both hands.

I am in the process of re-reading Enter the Kettlebell. It's amazing the things you miss in a first reading. Upon reading the face the wall squat section of the book I have decided to sub these in for goblet squats. Pavel advocates being able to have your toes touch the wall while you squat down to pickup your kettlebell. I tried this after my session this morning and was unable to complete this. Hence the inclusion of face the wall's.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monday 25/01/2010

After much procrastination and tossing around of various training templates, thoughts and ideas I have decided to settle on the Enter the Kettlebell routine. Having read a post by Geoff Neupert which advised the reader to pick a program and stick with it I thought that there would be no better choice than ETK.

The ETK program fits in with my lifestyle on a couple of fronts:

1) I can fit in most workouts in the AM which takes the pressure off training at night after a day of work/travel, etc.
2) It is very portable. The times that we head home, I can pack the 16kg into the car with minimal fuss and still get in a great workout.
3) I really enjoy kettlebell training. The workouts are short and sharp and they work.

So with this in mind my goals are as follows:

a) To press a kettlebell half my bodyweight (which would be a 40 kg bell or "The Beast")
b) To perform and succesfully complete the USSS snatch test (200 snatches of a 24 kg bell in 10 mins.)

Will both of these happen this year - probably not. But certainly if I can achieve the snatch test with the 16 kg and press the 24kg quite easily this year, it won't be long until the above are met.


This morning I started on the Program Minimum which is two days of swings alternated with 1 min jogging (done in 12 mins.) and two days of get-ups (done in 5 mins.). I will be using the Kalos Stenhos method of get-ups.

Totals: 160 swings in 12 mins.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday 13/01/2010

Rite of Passage - Light day

Back into the kettlebell and I must say - it felt great. Why did I stop doing this??? Anyway, the warmup comprised 2 x 10 goblet squats, 2x 5l, 5r halos and 2 x 5 pumps. It was then onto 5 ladders x 2 rungs of clean & pressing alternated with pull-ups. This was followed up with 3 minutes of snatches (40 total).

Was good to get back into the groove of clean & presses. Felt good throughout. I must say that my slight deviation from this program in the past couple of weeks have left me in very good pressing shape as well as being able to complete pull-ups more effectively.

This workout came on top of a very ordinary day. My iphone crapped itself yesterday morning following a night of very little sleep (hottest night in Melbourne for quite some time apparently). Was very determined to get the workout in which meant having dinner at a later time.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New / old direction

Upon returning from Horsham, where my rite of passage routine was a little disrupted, I decided to go in a different direction with regard my training. Last week saw me return to the barbell and complete 3 of 4 day of Wendlers 5/3/1. Was able to complete the press day, bench press and deadlift.

Friday rolled around and I was due to squat but gave this a miss in favour of a Crossfit WOD. For the past couple of years I have been following Crossfit's main site and have completed some of their WOD's. I decided to do three over the course of the last three days all incorporating bodyweight movements. e.g. pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups and squats. These were done in either round format, as many reps as possible in a given time or simply 1 round through for larger reps.

I believe Crossfit does offer benefits with regards to conditioning and body comp but I am a bit put off by the lack of planning and lack of being able to consistenly measure your progress.

So after a bit of a hiatus I am returning to the Rite of Passage. Why? Well simply, it was working and it was a few days away that enabled my mind to wander and contemplate other programs/ideas. That coupled with the fact that it is very structured, progressive and simple in it's design.

Owing to the fact that it is forecast to be around 40 degrees today we will kick things off tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday 06/01/2010

Following a rest day on Tuesday, it was bench press time. After a set of 30 or so shoulder dislocates I launched into my warm-up sets:

20 for 5
25 for 5
27.5 for 3
30 for 5
35 for 5
40 for 13

Had to get some spotting assistance via Carla for the last set just in case I stalled. This was followed up by 5 sets of 10 with 30 kg and then 5 x 10 KB rows with the 16.


With this being my first week back into lifting weights for some time, I was expecting some soreness. As I type this the pecs and shoulders are a bit sore but not as bad as some times past. I attribute this to the KB work that I have done in the past few months as well as better recovery in terms of protein consumption following a workout. Downing a protein shake almost immediately which is followed up by tea.

Reasonably pleased with how the eating has gone this week. It's a semi Primal / semi lo-carb style eating. The only exceptions have been a small piece of leftover Christmas cake last night and the night prior with last nights having a small tablespoon of ice cream. Carla noted yesterday that my breath was a bit off due to some ketosis. This has to be good :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday 04/01/2010

Deadlift day on Wendler's program. Opened up with 2 sets of 8 goblet squats followed by:

25 for 5
32.5 for 5
37.5 for 3
40 for 5
45 for 5
52.5 for 15 (main set)

For assistance work I did 5 sets of 10 with 40 kg in the deadlift and 10,10,8 lying leg raises. Fairly solid sort of work as evidenced by a) the hunger that followed and b) the fatigue.

Day off today but may go for a walk tonight.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday 03/01/2010

Despite my best intentions as voiced in yesterdays post, I have decided to change things up a bit. Going to give the ROP a spell and move into a bit of a mass program. After debating on the merits of both Starting Strength and Wendlars 5/3/1 program I have opted for Wendlars for the sheer simplicity.

Wendlar uses 4 compound movements - military press, deadlift, bench press and squat along with some assistance exercises to build strength as well as size. After tralling through some old logs I was able to plug in my respective "maxes" into the spreadsheet.

The program will look like thus for the next 4 weeks:

Sunday - Military Press
Monday - Deadlift
Wednesday - Bench Press
Friday - Squat

So yesterday was military presses and after some warm-up lifts I was able to eek out 15 reps with 27.5 kgs on the bar. This doesn't sound all that impressive but certainly got the job done. This was supplemented with 5x10 Militaries with the bar and 5x5 chin-ups.

For my conditioning I am intending to use the Viking Warrior Conditioning. The plan will be to do the MVO2 test tonight following the deadlifts although I am wary of frying myself. It may mean dropping some assistance work in order to accomodate the VWC.

Yesterday also marked a very good day of eating. Eggs and sausages in the morning, apple, cheese and almond snack, chicken and salad for a late lunch, protein shake following training, steak and steamed vegies followed by a protein shake before bed. All in all a pretty good way to kick things off.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The New Year

We arrived back in Melbourne last night after 9 or so days away in Horsham. Was good to catch up with both the family and extended family for Christmas and New Year. Was able to take the kettlebells home (opted for 2 x 16 kg's). Continued on the ROP on the Saturday the 26th and on Monday but got a bit antsy on the following days and did some double KB work on Wednesday and a KB complex on Friday.

With only 4 weeks to go on the ROP I've decided to forge on. Weighed in this morning at 86.5 so there wasn't a lot of weight gain. A little bit higher on the skinfolds but I haven't done them for a while so it will be hard to say whether or not the % has crept up or not.

Health and training goals are reasonably simple this year:

1) Get under 10% bodyfat - This is all diet so I intend to continue on the low-carb/Atkins road and cut out as much grain as possible. It's time to drop the chocolate on a regular basis as well as the treats after dinner. Eggs in the morning with my tuna salad at lunch is a perfect way to start the day. Throw in an apple with some almonds for snacking and a protein based dinner and I should be well on the way.

2) Tidy up the diet - Kind of linked in with no 1.

3) Floss twice a day, everyday

4) Take fish oil everyday

5) Double BW deadlift, BW and a half squat, BW bench press - I will reassess things at the end of the ROP cycle but my thinking is that a long cycle of Starting Strength or Wendlars 5-3-1 program might be the ticket to get to this.

So there it is. I think that all of the above are achievable and not that it has been aired in net land it will be interesting to return a year later to see how we've gone.