Saturday, November 28, 2009


The training week wound up this week with the Rite of Passage "Heavy Day" on Saturday. 5 ladders of 3 rungs Clean & Presses for 60 reps total plus 30 pull-ups. Finished with 218 swings in 8 minutes. This was a bit of a grind due to working out later in the day following a fairly heavy lunch. Bit sluggish but was able to really work through it.

This week is week # 4 on the ROP and I intend to do the press & snatch test this coming Saturday. So the week will look like thus:

Monday - Light Day ROP (5 ladders x 1 rung C&P / pull-up) & Snatches
Tuesday - Cycles of the Art of Strength DVD
Wednesday - Medium Day ROP (5 ladders x 2 rung C&P / pull-up) & swings
Thursday - Loaded cleans & get-ups & swings (24 kg bell)
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Snatch & press test

We'll see how we go.

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