Monday, November 30, 2009

Tuesday 1/12/09

First day of summer :) Best time of the year for mine. And to celebrate this passing of the seasons I decided to do some of the Art of Strength Providence DVD for my "variety" day.

Warmed up with 3 x Turkish Get-ups with both hands and then proceeded to do rounds 2 to 6 on the DVD. There are some really good combos in these rounds. Cleans, floor presses, squats into sumo deadlifts, windmills into over head squats to name a few. The windmill/overhead squat combo is quite good. Got through it pretty well. Quads are feeling it a bit at present. I do warmup with 3 x 10 Goblet Squats generally but I guess the variation in squatting coupled with the volume is contributing to said quad soreness.

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