Sunday, January 31, 2010

Monday 01/02/10

Well after a week of Program Minimum, I got a bit antsy and have forged ahead a smidge by starting the Rite of Passage (with a twist). Have decided to integrate the Viking Warrior Conditioning protocol with the ROP. So in lieu of snatches and swings on the Light, Medium and Heavy days I will do the VWC.

This morning was 5 ladders of 1 rung of clean & presses alternated with pull-ups. Nice and easy and good to get back into the groove of pressing again. This was followed up with the VWC test protocol. This consisted of 5 x 1 minute intervals in which you do a set no of snatches (10, 14, 18, 22 and then as many as in the last minute). Started with the right hand so I could do the as many reps as with the right. Ended up with 29 which will give me a snatch cadence of 7. (this number is to be divided by 4 and then rounded up but I have opted to round down).

So on Wednesday I will look do around 8 mins of 15 secs on 15 secs off with the left hand and then 15 secs on 15 secs off with the right. This will be repeated 8 times. Will have to have a re-read of the protocol to determine the progression.

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