Monday, January 25, 2010

Tuesday 26/01/10

Happy Australia Day!!!

This morning was get-up day in the Program Minimum. Following a warm-up of goblet squats, halo's and pumps I did 5 mins. of Kalos Stenhos get-ups. Was able to get 5 in each arm completed in little of over 5 mins. The timer expired during the fifth rep on the right hand so I decided to finish off both hands.

I am in the process of re-reading Enter the Kettlebell. It's amazing the things you miss in a first reading. Upon reading the face the wall squat section of the book I have decided to sub these in for goblet squats. Pavel advocates being able to have your toes touch the wall while you squat down to pickup your kettlebell. I tried this after my session this morning and was unable to complete this. Hence the inclusion of face the wall's.

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