Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday 06/01/2010

Following a rest day on Tuesday, it was bench press time. After a set of 30 or so shoulder dislocates I launched into my warm-up sets:

20 for 5
25 for 5
27.5 for 3
30 for 5
35 for 5
40 for 13

Had to get some spotting assistance via Carla for the last set just in case I stalled. This was followed up by 5 sets of 10 with 30 kg and then 5 x 10 KB rows with the 16.


With this being my first week back into lifting weights for some time, I was expecting some soreness. As I type this the pecs and shoulders are a bit sore but not as bad as some times past. I attribute this to the KB work that I have done in the past few months as well as better recovery in terms of protein consumption following a workout. Downing a protein shake almost immediately which is followed up by tea.

Reasonably pleased with how the eating has gone this week. It's a semi Primal / semi lo-carb style eating. The only exceptions have been a small piece of leftover Christmas cake last night and the night prior with last nights having a small tablespoon of ice cream. Carla noted yesterday that my breath was a bit off due to some ketosis. This has to be good :)

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