After much procrastination and tossing around of various training templates, thoughts and ideas I have decided to settle on the Enter the Kettlebell routine. Having read a post by Geoff Neupert which advised the reader to pick a program and stick with it I thought that there would be no better choice than ETK.
The ETK program fits in with my lifestyle on a couple of fronts:
1) I can fit in most workouts in the AM which takes the pressure off training at night after a day of work/travel, etc.
2) It is very portable. The times that we head home, I can pack the 16kg into the car with minimal fuss and still get in a great workout.
3) I really enjoy kettlebell training. The workouts are short and sharp and they work.
So with this in mind my goals are as follows:
a) To press a kettlebell half my bodyweight (which would be a 40 kg bell or "The Beast")
b) To perform and succesfully complete the USSS snatch test (200 snatches of a 24 kg bell in 10 mins.)
Will both of these happen this year - probably not. But certainly if I can achieve the snatch test with the 16 kg and press the 24kg quite easily this year, it won't be long until the above are met.
This morning I started on the Program Minimum which is two days of swings alternated with 1 min jogging (done in 12 mins.) and two days of get-ups (done in 5 mins.). I will be using the Kalos Stenhos method of get-ups.
Totals: 160 swings in 12 mins.
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