Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday 14/12/09

Week no 6 in the Rite of Passage and tonight was a light day. 5 ladders x 2 rungs followed 6 mins of snatches. Snatches are starting to feel really good - left arm in particular. I was contemplating doing the cMVO2 test from Viking Warrior Conditioning tonight but opted not to based on the conclusion that I am probably not quite there yet.

Tonights clean and presses felt pretty good considering what transpired on the weekend. The workout from Saturday left me fairly tired in the afternoon. This coincided with a trip to Geelong to catch up with some friends. Driving duties were left up to me and suffice to say - a late night followed. We didn't get back home until after 1 am.

We woke the next day to go shopping at DFO - another 3 hours on your feet on a nice hard concrete floor in thongs :(. Did not want to get up this morning let me tell you.

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