Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday 23/12/09

Medium day - 5 ladders x 3 rungs C&P / Pull-ups. This was followed by 8 mins of swings. I originally "rolled" a 12 for swings but given the temperature (36 degrees) I opted to cut this back to 8 mins. This was done with 20 swings / 30 secs rest so it wasn't an all out effort.

We leave today for Horsham for Christmas and New Year. Really looking forward to spending time with both Carla's and my family. I'm taking a few training implements home - set of power rings, a band, skipping rope, the 16 kg and 24 kg kettlebell which should keep me out of trouble. In fact the next week and a bit will really set 2010 up in a positive way. No work. Just be able to work out hard, lay around and recover (catch up on some reading) and eat. Weighed in this morning at 85.5 so it will be interesting to see how we go. If I can hold this or even lose some it will be worth it.

If I can figure out how to post on my iphone, I'll be able to continue otherwise it's ciao for now.

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